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Cancel, Return, Shipping, Warranty

Order Update Request

Product lead time (the time it takes for the product to be ready to ship) will vary depending on the manufacturer (location of factory to the shipping address) and condition. Certified Refurbished products may have extended lead times to allow enough

Return & Cancellation Policy

You can cancel items or orders that haven't entered the shipping process. Once an order has shipped, it cannot be canceled. The order must go through the return process. You may refuse the order upon delivery, in which case the standard return policy

Shipping Policy

MFI makes ordering easy with simple shipping options. We select the best carrier depending on the specific product and area it is being delivered to. Carriers range from FedEx, UPS, USPS, and more. If you have placed an order and would like to change

Warranty Policy

Warranty information can be found on each product page under the Key Features and within the product description. Warranties will vary by product, condition (Factory New, Factory Refurbished, and Certified Refurbished), and by the manufacturer. The w